Kate Worely, writer of the print comic Omaha the Cat Dancer, died on June 7, 2004. She leaves behind her husband, writer Jim Vance, and two small children. You can read more about it at Neil Gaiman’s webblog at this link.
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Each campus has three UCSA representatives. Representing UCI, Christina Gagnier is on the board of directors, Carlos Feliciano is the UCSA Legislative Liaison, and Tammy Nguyen is the UCSA Campus Organizing Director. Order Screensavers Order Homehobby Order Audio Order Miccelaneous Order Education Freemiscellaneous Freeutilities Freeinternet Freebusiness Getfreegames Each campus has three UCSA representatives. Representing UCI, Christina Gagnier is on the board of directors, Carlos Feliciano is the UCSA Legislative Liaison, and Tammy Nguyen is the UCSA Campus Organizing Director.
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