Cover by Krishna M. Sadasivam.
Hey all I’m bloggin a bit today – mostly to say thanks to Logan DeAngelis for guest-blogging this week, but also to all of our guest bloggers so far. I also wanted to thank Krishna M. Sadasivam, creator of PC Weenies for doing this month’s super cover art. (Be sure to check out the posters from his webcomic that he’s selling!) Next week’s scheduled guest blogger is Corey Marie, creator of the webcomic Scene Language and part of the Young American Comics group.
Also I’ve been loopy most of the week due to getting my wisdom teeth extracted (drilled and yanked is probably more accurate) on Wednesday morning. So I missed promoting tons of cool reader blog posts this week including: this bit about the webcomic Asylumantics getting a reboot – I’ve read Chris’ comics off and on for years now so I’m excited for him to take everything he’s learned and try to take his work to another level.
Multiplex creator Gordin McAlpin got interviewed in BOXOFFICE magazine which is pretty great press for a webcomic about a movie theater.
And I’m always a sucker for new webcomic website codin’ – here’s a simple archive script from Fabricari creator Steve Harrison.
And of course lots more interesting blogs here as well as elsewhere. I missed Comicon this year but I saw FLEEN did a great job of covering the webcomic side of that immense event.
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