Melonpool creator Steve Troop has announced he has been fired from Keenspot due to his poor track record in updating his comic. Keenspot Co-CEO Chris Crosby has chosen to fire him as a warning for the rest of the group. “Take heed, Keenspot cartoonists! Update your comic inconsistently and you could end up like poor Steve Troop… an ‘independent’ cartoonist!”
Just kidding, Steve left Keenspot because he wanted to. Best wishes to Mr. Troop in all his future endeavors.
Whats with all these people leaving Keenspot?
Yeah, what’s up with that? >:(
It’s probably because we pretend to fire people.
Pretend to fire people? Heck! I was pretending to leave! 😉
Oh, Steve, I’ll miss you most of all. *hugs*
Please write every weekend and visit on the holidays.