Monday Webcomic News Stylings with Anchorman Xaviar Xerexes

Have a good summer? I did. Now it's back to school, back to work, U.S. election campaing smackdown, American football and Rest-of-the-World football, Pope-apologizing, Will-There-Be-Peace-In-The-Middle East Webcomics season. So I'm sleepy back!

Reinder catches that Barry Deutsch has sold his URL ( to someone else who is using the URL for "search engine optimization". Deutsch will still be able to use the URL for his blog "Alas" and his cartoons.

Jim Zubkavich: Makeshift Miracle

Webcomics-in-Print blog has a great round-up of book news today including links to pre-orders for the new books from Bunny, Ninja Bunny and Makeshift Miracle. There's also news that Kris Straub is going to put out soon a "38 page technical manual of the Fuseli" the ship from his webcomic Starslip Crisis.

This coming Saturday (September 23) is Worldwide Sketchcrawl Day. The basic idea of a "sketchcrawl" is to draw throughout the day from location to location (the inspiration comes from a pubcrawl). This I could see doing.

And in less then a month (October 7th) it's 24 Hour Comics Day. I've never done this and probably never will. But if anyone is doing it this year and is willing to document/photograph/blog it for Comixpedia please let me know (or just post it even if you don't let me know).

R Stevens III: Diesel Sweeties

Gary Tyrrell of Fleen posts a letter to the comics/features editor of his newspaper. Despite my best wishes for R. Stevens to succeed in his new newspaper gig I don't have a lot of hope for a resurgence creatively on the nation's newspaper comics page.

I discovered Lines and Colors this summer – a very good blog about art (Argon Zark creator Charlie Parker contributes).

I also discovered that "retired" webcomics creator Hard still posts sometimes to his blog. The latest entry is a sarcastic take on how to create a successful webcomic.

Missed this but Hope Larson has a comic in a new anthology called Project: Romantic. The Flight blog links to a review of her comic.

This looks possibly interesting: a new NBC show called Heroes which is "about people all over the world discovering that they have superpowers and trying to deal with how this change affects their lives…. Their ultimate destiny is nothing less than saving the world." (Really the show I'm jazzed about though is Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.)


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.

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