An update on recent fundraising drives around webcomicland.
Greg Dean is currently raising money to buy new servers for his popular webcomic Real Life.
Joe England of Zebra Girl is about 1/3 of the way to the stated goal of his fundraiser and Michael Jantze of The Norm is more than 1/2 way to his January 1st goal..
Desmond Seah of Bigger Than Cheeses is not actually very close to his stated goal of 50 trillion dollars, but we wish him luck anyway.
And finally, from the success stories file, Jamie Robertson announced that enough fans had signed up for a Clan of the Cats membership that he could continue to devote the time to making the webcomic.
Kristofer Straub of Checkerboard Nightmare also has a donation fund going, but he recently took down the goal oriented donation bar.
The non-google cached link to the Bigger Than Cheeses 50 trillion dollars page is at
I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me. But I find this whole “donation” thing just a step above “Will webcomic for food”.