New Femme Noir arc begins Feb. 13

Femme Noir creators Christopher Mills and Joe Staton – along with colorist Brandon J. Carr – are proud to announce the beginning of a new Femme Noir story arc, “Chambers of Horror” at the Supernatural Crime website. The first weekly episode of the new story will premiere on Friday, February 13th.

Femme Noir is a web-exclusive mystery comic strip starring a mysterious female private eye operating in the dark city of Port Nocturne – a
politically corrupt, crime-ridden metropolis where the smell of gunpowder hangs in the air like cheap perfume, every black alley comes to a dead end, and justice is… blonde.

Mills and Staton have been doing the Femme Noir web comic for nearly three years (in fact, February 28th will mark the strip & website’s third anniversary), and while they haven’t always maintained the intended weekly schedule, they’ve completed two full-length mystery thrillers to date: “Cold, Dead Fingers,” and “An Eye for a Spy.”

The new arc, “Chambers of Horror,” is a suspense thriller revolving around a run-down amusement park sideshow and its sinister proprietor, J. Mordred Chambers. “It’s another one of my 40’s B-movie-inspired plots, very much in the tradition of the old Poverty Row chillers and cliffhanger serials,” says writer Christopher Mills. “There’s murders, abductions, a hard-nosed reporter, death traps, and a hunchbacked dwarf named Kong.

“The Femme Noir series is my unabashed valentine to the crime fiction genre. All the conventions of the genre – and the cliches – are happily
and enthusiastically embraced. It’s an amalgamation of 40’s B-movies, Golden and Silver Age comics, old radio shows, pulp stories… a little bit of everything I love, old and new.”

The Supernatural Crime website and Femme Noir comic strip are the brainchildren of former Tekno*Comix/Big Entertainment editor Mills, whose
other comics credits include scripting a year’s worth of Leonard Nimoy’s Primortals; writing, editing and co-publishing the black & white horror
series Shadow House; and four years as Editorial Director for a defunct 90’s indy comics publisher. Mills was also the editor of the short-lived Modern Tales spin-off subscription site,

Femme Noir is illustrated by comics industry veteran Joe Staton, whose numerous credits include such major Marvel & DC characters as The
Incredible Hulk, Green Lantern, Guy Gardner, Batman, The Huntress, Plastic Man, Scooby Doo, and many others. He illustrated the Paradox Press graphic novel Family Man (written by Jerome Charyn) and is the co-creator (with Nicola Cuti) of the Charlton Comics superhero E-Man and private eye Michael Mauser. In 1998, he received an Eisner award for his work on World’s Finest: The Superman-Batman Adventure.

Colorist Brandon J. Carr entered the world of webcomics with a bang in late 2001 with his popular online strip Between The Panels. Brandon is currently creating tangential toons in his strip Iago’s Scrambled Tales for PVComics (

Femme Noir also appears every Friday at Kevin Smith’s Movie Poop Shoot ( entertainment news site and at The Thrilling Detective Website (

