New Site!

Welcome to the new site!  A big thanks to Tyler Martin for doing a fantastic job on designing and implementing the new look of the site.  I also did a lot of work "under the hood" moving the site onto the Drupal 6.1 platform.  (While I think it all works, if something’s not quite right, post a comment here.  Thanks!)

A big part of the new site is my desire to include effectively both editorial content and community content.  I’m eager to refocus on building back up the editorial side of ComixTalk — interviews, reviews and other feature articles.  We’ve also made it easier for ComixTalk members to post here — if you want to automatically import posts from your own blog into your ComixTalk user account, please email me (xerexes AT comixtalk DOT com) with your ComixTalk user name and blog feed and I’ll set it up for you.

We’ve changed how ComixTalk presents its content.  In the center column we’ll be posting our longer length magazine articles: features, columns, reviews and interviews.

The right column has a series of "tabs" for different ways to follow the daily updates at ComixTalk.  The default tab, "featured" includes the most recent posts from the ComixTalk staff as well as selected user talk posts.  The "talk posts" tab includes the most recent user submitted posts.  "Popular" includes whatever posts are getting the most traffic today.  "Poll" includes the latest poll on the site.

We also have quick links to the most recent talk posts, active forums, and recent comments in the footer of the site.

Events Calendar to return later.  I was never thrilled with the way the site handled "events" so I’ve turned that off for now and will bring it back when I find a better solution.

Comments.  You can now "subscribe" to posts and receive notifications by email when new comments are posted to it.  We’ve also made comments by the author of a post stand out from the other comments (they have a light blue-grey background).


KNOWN BUGS/PROBLEMS.  I’ll be posting them here until I fix them.  Please let me know if you are having any problems with the site.


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.

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