Contests and Events for Artists and Fans is currently running some interactive events which are designed to encourage artists to get involved with webcomics. In addition to their rapidly growing art tutorial section which encompasses webcomics, digital art, web design, and the industry, they are holding contests every month or two.

In addition, will be at Katsucon, and Ubercon this year with a few more dates TBA.

The current contest is a fan art contest. Details and rules are posted here. One winner will receive a customized USB 2.0 30 gig external hard drive. The drive is pre-loaded with (Mac and PC) freeware art creation tools. The winner of the hard drive will be announced after Katsucon weekend, where Onezumi and Harknell will be appearing in the Dealer’s Room and on a few select panels.

The scope of the next contest will be announced in a few weeks, but we can give you a hint as to what the prize will be: “It’s sort of mini, but a bit more Arnold.”

