I feel like I was just writing "I can't believe February is almost over!" and man – I can't believe March is almost over!
Just a Housekeeping note: If you do apply for a user account here at ComixTalk be sure to fill out the user profile fields with your webcomic and/or website. Something so I know you're not a bot. If you apply and don't hear back from the site in a day let me know directly.
MILESTONES: Lloyd Dangle announces the end of Troubletown this April. Not much revealed in the way of reasons but 22 years is a long time for any project. My first encounters with Troubletown were in the alt-weeklies and so even though it's on the web now too, that's still my primary frame of reference for it. Best wishes to Mr. Dangle and hopefully he has other projects in mind next.
REAL LIFE: The creators of Joe Is Japanese created a comic — Koga’s Email — based on a first-hand account of the earthquake in Japan. (h/t Robot6)
BUSINESS: Interesting thought attributed to Kevin Kelly (from a conference that JOHO the Blog is live-blogging):
The Net is a giant copy machine. When copies are super-abundant, and worthless. So, you need to seel stuff that can’t be copied. 8 things that can’t be copied: immediacy, personalization, interpretation (study aids), authenticity (what the prof wants you to read), accessibility, embodiment (print copy), patronage (people want to pay creators), findability.”
Jameson Gardner writes in that his new webcomic Narssica follows the adventures of a lesbian superhero and her entourage of GLBT friends living in West Hollywood. It's written by Jameson Gardner, illustrated by Alan Foxwood and edited by Jon Lee.
Brian James writes in about his webcomic A Fine Example — about pirates and greed and the economy.
Thom Pratt and Kambrea Pratt write in about their webcomic The Shadowbinders.
Denver Brubaker writes in about the first anniversary of his webcomic Tales of a Checkered Man. The webcomic is the story of an average hero who turns to a life of crime-fighting, despite his bad luck and acrophobia. Think Charlie Brown as a masked vigilante. Brubaker is also in the stages of planning a book which will collect the entire first year of the comic.
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