Simply SarahI don’t even know how I discovered this webcomic, but it fascinates me for some reason. It has this weird combination of amateurishness and skill, naivety and insight.
Simply Sarah by Sarah Skye is a story about a young lesbian falling in love with another girl whose feelings she is not sure is shared. The art has the look of an old romance comic (except in black and white), and the story itself falls squarely into that genre, except with lesbians (or at least one lesbian) and a more overt sexuality. We even see the classic fear of rejection ("oh, does she really like me?") as well as being a social outcast (more often a class issue in the old romance comics). Even the layouts are reminiscent of those old comics, which is extra strange as I would think a story like this would hold heavy manga influence in it and be much more shojo-esque. Heavy use of narrative captions and thought balloons (which seem to be really out of style these days). The story has such a feel of being autobiographical that I wonder if the author is a teenager, yet something about it makes me think she is older, or it is a fictional persona created for the story. Or maybe not. Either way, Simply Sarah is so weirdly retro that it stands out, regardless of its flaws.
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