Dave Pauwels, the writer of the comic formerly known as Sisters Grimm writes that they've decided to change the name to Free Mars:
After much deliberation, the Sisters Grimm webcomic team has decided that we need to do a little rebranding. We have decided to update the name of the weekly comic Sisters Grimm with a new title: FREE MARS. We feel that not only will the new name cut down on any future confusion with other similarly named entities, but it also better reflects the direction of the story. Rest assured that this title change has no effect whatsoever on the content of our comic. The band you’ve become familiar with is still called Sisters Grimm; named for the band’s founder and lead guitarist, Victoria “Vikki” Grimm.
I think I had mentioned to Dave the overlap of their title with a very popular young adults text novel series (is that a "thing" calling novels "text" novels now?) of the same name (well read by the X kids) so I think this is a wise move. What do you think of the new title? And if you haven't checked out this comic yet it's definitely worth a read. You can find it at the new URL: freemarscomic.com (and at sistersgrimmcomic.com too for at least the foreseeable future).
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