Colin Ferguson, Community Director for Snakehead Games, wrote to tell us about a webcomic award they're running within their community. Snakehead runs two free browser games: Star Pirates and Spy Battle: 2165 and Ferguson said that they've been able to build their gaming community in large part due to partnerships with webcomics from familar folks like Howard Taylor, Kris Straub and Phil Foglio. As a thank you, Snakehead is running a poll amongst its members to decide which of 10 remaining webcomics will win two $1000 awards: one a $1000 in Project Wonderful advertising and the other $1000 in cash. The $1000 in advertising goes to the top vote getter and the $1000 in cash will be sort of a lottery (every vote cast in the “Round of 20″ will be put in a virtual hat. One of the votes will be selected, and that’s the winner).
I remember seeing the custom ads for the game Star Pirates that various sci-fi themed webcomics designed and ran and that's a great way to partner with a webcomic. Snakehead Games obviously hopes to get more members and traffic out of this but so what, it's a pretty cool idea and win-win for them and the webcomics involved. The 10 webcomics remaining in their contest are Girl Genius, XKCD, Legostar Galactica, Erfworld, Looking for Group, Order of the Stick, Darths and Droids, Schlock Mercenary, Kevin and Kell, and Questionable Content. Final results of this contest are expected to be announced in mid-June.
TORONTO, CANADA (May 27, 2010) – For the past few weeks, Star Pirates and players from Snakehead Games have been busy voting for their favourite web comic, hoping their choice will win the top prize of $1000-worth of free advertising through the Project Wonderful community of publishers. An additional random draw prize of $1,000 cash will also be awarded. Voting is active now through mid-June via the Snakehead Games player communities at and
Snakehead Games has been working with Project Wonderful, an advertising broker for a diverse set of online publishers, to set up these awards and show their appreciation for the web comics community – an important community for both companies.
“Many of the players in our communities have come from the web comics community,” says Colin Ferguson, Director of Marketing for Snakehead Games, speaking for the company. “Holding this contest is our way to thank the web comics community for its contributions to our player communities, and to appreciate the creativity and artistry in their respective works since all of the nominees are excellent examples of the genre.”
The contest began with an initial list of 20 web comics, all nominated by Snakehead Games’ player communities and all of whom are eligible for the random draw prize of $1,000 cash. This list was culled down through popular votes that featured two heats of 10 web comics with the top 5 vote-getters in each heat moving on to a second round of voting. This current and second round of voting will bring the contenders down to 3 finalists, who will then compete in a final elimination round of voting for the top prize of $1000-worth of advertising through Project Wonderful.
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