Damonkey Business by Damonk

Games of Wit, Battles of Rhetoric, and the Art of ‘You Suck’

Hey you – yeah you with the nose.

You suck.

No, wait. Wait. Let me try that again.

You suck, like your momma on my d*** last night.

No, no, wait. Still not quite right.

You suck, like your momma on my d*** while your gf was giving her a tongue dive.


Now I feel I have successfully refuted your position on Austin’s stance on the Sense-Datum Theory.

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A Modest Interview: Damonk Talks with Sean Howard About Copyright and Stuff

While there are many out there who decry sprite-based webcomics as less than art because they use other people’s original material for their own purposes, there are others – like A Modest Destiny‘s Sean Howard – who actually work hard to not only create their own ORIGINAL pixellated works of comic art, but to also lobby to keep others from stealing said work. Continue Reading

Damonkey Business by Damonk

Damonk’s Own Quickie Personal Webcomic Year In Review

2003. The Year of Stuff. One Year after 2002, and 365.23 Days before 2004.

Backwards, it would be 3002…

…which time-wise, would actually be forwards.

After having been exposed no doubt to the bajillions of other media’s own versions of Year In Reviewstravaganzas, it’s clearly obvious that the one thing you would now crave most would be to hear YET ANOTHER person’s own thoughts on the year.
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Young Bottoms in Love by Tim Fish et al., reviewed by Damonk

Who needs to drink like a fish when you can draw like one? Tim Fish’s little webcomic corner of our universe certainly goes to great lengths to bring a whole new meaning to the term "Bottom’s Up!"

Young Bottoms In Love, a short story webcomic anthology site that updates weekly, focuses wholly on gay love, relationships, and of course, implied or "tastefully"-depicted soft-core snuggling. Continue Reading

Great Webcomic Minds Chat a Lot — A Session on Webcomic Awards

What happens when you put a half-dozen of webcomics' brightest and most vocal brains in a vegematic set on "inquisinate"?

Well, we put Chris Crosby, Joey Manley, Mark Mekkes, Chris Morrisson, BoxJam, and Scott McCloud in a chat room together with an inquisitive Damonk, to see what would happen. The result was a frothy milkshake of a chat interview that focused on awards for webcomics and their value or worth in the webcomics community.

If you're into grey matter milkshakes, or some cool, refreshing idea-sharing, than read on to see what these pureed brains had to say…

damonk: Five more minutes, and I'm starting this puppy.
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