Dr. Eldritch In The House!

Evan Nichols is the creator behind the long-running Ask Dr. Eldritch webcomic.  The long-running adventures of the intrepid advice columnist Dr. Eldritch are nearing episode #500 which is a pretty significant milestone for any comic project.  The concept here alone cracks me up.  Just check out the intro to the "Letters" page at the site:

Dr. Eldritch answers the questions that no other columnist will touch, with solid, no-nonsense advice to get you through those once-in-a-lifetime crises:

  • Being menaced by the Undead?
  • Scientific experiments gone horribly wrong and may destroy the Earth?
  • A Loved One is possessed by Satan?
  • Your gorgeous lover is using you as a patsy for an elaborate swindle?

Don't fall victim to vampires! Don't get slashed by a psycho! Don't get stuck, ASK DR. ELDRITCH!

Read on for my interview about the good doctor with his creator, Evan Nichols.

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There’s a Fey Wind A Blowin’: An Interview with Nicole Chartrand.

Nicole Chartrand is the creator of Fey Winds.  Chartrand describes the comic as "a sword & sorcery spoof comedy".  It's a good read (start here – the comic's navigation seems to lack a "first" link) and everything in it has gotten better over its (so far) more than 300 pages.  I got a chance to interview Chartrand by email this month.

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Welcome to Neo Monster Island

Sean McGuinness is the creator of the website Neo Monster Island and the webcomic Twisted Kaiju Theater it hosts.  Kaiju is apparently a Japanese term for monster.  McGuinness makes TKT with his own collection of Godzilla toys so you know it's a labor of love… of love and smashing Tokyo to bits.  I got a chance to interview McGuinness about his long-running webcomic (since August 2000!) via email last month.

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A Match Made in Los Angeles: An Interview with Michael May of Eros Inc.

Michael May is the creator of Eros Inc., a webcomic about a young woman, Mot Fleishman living a normal life until fate picks her to be Cupid giving her the power of fate of lovers living in Los Angeles.  (May first came to my attention with his now on hiatus comic about movies called Stock Footage).  Eros Inc. is a very funny comic and young, twenty-something Mot is a great character to follow along with.  I would guess fans of Octopus Pie could really like this too.  It's very funny but it's not always tightly wound around jokes per se and May handles the story pretty well so far.  His art is a bit on the rough side but for me it works very well.

May did our cover art at ComixTalk this month and I interviewed him very recently via email.

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Dream a Little Dreamland: An Interview with Scott Christian Sava

Scott Christian Sava is the creator of the fantasy webcomic, The Dreamland Chronicles.  Drawn in a 3-D art style, the tale of Alexander Carter's adventures in his dreams alternates with him and his brother's attempts to find out the meaning of Dreamland itself.  I got a chance to interview Sava via email recently and ask about his life as a webcomics creator.

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An Interview with Jenny Romanchuk of The Zombie Hunters

Jenny Romanchuk is the creator of The Zombie Hunters, a webcomic about a world filled with zombies and a team of outcasts who hunt them.  Romanchuk has actually gone beyond a simple premise to creating a full-fledged world here, spinning out rules for the zombies and the society of humans who remain.  It's a little gory at times but a great story. 

I got a chance to interview her this month and really, what other day woud be better to post this on then Halloween?

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