Thanks to Current Comixpedia Sponsors

Some housekeeping details:

  • Don't forget to sign up to play Fright Night (have some comic-making fun and hopefully get some extra eyeballs checking out your own site on Halloween) – to join up email me at xerexes AT comixpedia DOT com.
  • I've got and on the new server (a VPS) and so far so good. It's considerably cheaper and more reliable – both of which are desperately needed for my own sanity and should free up time for me to write and do other needed things for Comixpedia. HOWEVER, this server isn't going to be able to support the top list too. The top list is a BIG user of server resources. I hate to do this, but I'm going to shut down the Top List sometime next week. I want to thank everyone who's used it and hope you'll continue to patronize the rest of Comixpedia.

We've had a lot of great sponsors step up to support Comixpedia recently:

And plenty of webcomics:


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.