Attaced as a trailer to the movie “Dreamcatcher” (opens March 21) will be a nine-minute computer-animated film that revisits the dark yet flashy science-fiction universe of “The Matrix.”
The short is intended as a prelude to “The Matrix Reloaded. For weeks, the short, called “Final Flight of the Osiris,” has been heavily promoted on television and in computer magazines. “Final Flight” will offer what may be the most sophisticated expression of photorealistic, fully computer-generated imagery to date on the big screen.
Read the rest of the NY Times article here.
Too bad it’s in front of Dreamcatcher….
*Kinda like the Episode of the Clones Trailer that we snuck into the theatre to see last year. 😛 9 minutes might be more noticeable standing around.
As I recall, Final Flight was done by the same team that did the Final Fantasy movie.