Webcomics Vault Will Sell Your Book at SDCC

The creators of five notable webcomics: Sluggy Freelance, Star Cross’d Destiny, Fragile Gravity, PartiallyClips, and Order of the Stick, have formed a booth-sharing group called Webcomics Vault for San Diego Comic Con 2005. In addition to their own merchandise, Webcomics Vault plans to act as a retail bookseller for other webcomics creators who can’t attend.

UPDATE: Webcomics Vault was not able to obtain SDCC booth space this year afterall (SDCC just informed them today) so it will not happen this year. Maybe in 2006!

Here’s how it will work. If you have a book collection of your webcomic ready for sale right now (or very soon), you can ship a box or two (at your expense) to Webcomics Vault’s representative in San Diego. Webcomics Vault will sell the books at their booth at your stated sale price, and send you a check, less 20% (and the cost of sending any remaining books back to you).

The Webcomics Vault collective is hoping this will do several things. First, it will provide a relatively cheap way to get a book sold at SDCC, for creators who can’t justfy the expense, or who have made other plans for that weekend (such as attending ConnectiCon). Second, it will help defray the cost of the $1400 booth. Third, it will raise the profile of webcomics at this convention.

Because of limited space, book collections are the only eligible merchandise for this arrangement. Details are available by contacting webcomicsvault@gmail.com.


One Comment

  1. *screaming expletive*

    Xerexes or someone, please kill this story. We got our check to San Diego Comic Con in time for the deadline, but they JUST got around to informing us that they have sold out of booth space and will not waitlist us because we have never exhibited before. This will be a venture for 2006, I suppose.

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