What Iain Hamp is Reading

Iain Hamp is a contributing columnist to Comixpedia and creates the webcomic Darwin’s Complex.

1. Felaxx by Amy Kim Ganter. Just a fun, crisp story with solid artwork (plus I’m a sucker for stories of people from modern society entering bizarre fantasy environments).

2. 10 Commandments by Derek Kirk Kim. Derek is a wonderful creator and a stand-up young chap.

3. Pants Press. There is not a member of Pants Press whose work I don’t aspire to.

4. Todd and Penguin by David Wright. Just. Plain. Cute.

5. E-Sheep by Patrick Farley. It’s a close toss up between Patrick Farley and Drew Weing as the person I would say is doing the most phenomenal webcomics today.


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.


  1. You’re very welcome. I actually have completely redesigned my site within the last week and added a bunch of new content, so new linkage would be fabulous.

    Someday I’ll be able to say “I knew Dave from Todd and Penguin way back when…”

    – iain

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