Sorry the posting has been more sparse this month — just had less time for writing about comics this year so far. I am always happy to frontpage good posts though — posts on projects (self-hype is okay!) with something interesting (not just a "hey, here’s my comic) that include an image are GOLD! and posts with news or a round-up of links to news are also always appreciated. And if you’re already posting to your own blog it’s easy to set up an automatic import of your feed to your ComixTalk account.
Also – I’m on twitter ("xerexes") and facebook (tweet or email me if you want to connect there) these days. My Twitter feed has updates from here plus assorted little things (sometimes non-comics) and Facebook is largely not-comics in terms of posts from me but I am using it to keep up on what others are doing comics-wise.
GeekDad interviews Chris Hastings of Dr. McNinja. Which reminds me – I’ve seen a lot of ninja-ing and some fair amount of doctoring in the comic but what about the "Mc". Have we ever seen much exploration of the Doctor’s scottish roots?
The San Francisco Examiner interviews Julia Wertz of Fart Party. Wertz mentions that readers have told her the title has delayed their looking at the book (which suggests that there are probably a number of non-readers who never got past the title) and to be honest I don’t recall the comic really ever explaining why it had the title. (h/t Journalista!)
The ComicsCritics comic interviews itself in comic form (it’s today’s update there). (h/t Journalista!)
Graphic NYC is a great blog with lots of good posts and great photos of talented cartoonists. Here’s a recent post on the status of their projects (book!) with links to many of their best posts.
MySpace Comics is shutting down according to this story on Comic Alliance. The article suggests that this means the end of Dark Horse Presents on MySpace? If so, I would hope that Dark Horse could find another home for this project.
Sean Kleefeld has a short post about using Second Life to create comics. Hadn’t thought of that yet although I have seen Sims-generated comics in the past.
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