The Subtle Art of Rejection

While my first guest blog entry was a serious subject presented in a satirical way, my final entry for the week is a bit more meditative. I hope you enjoy it.

The Subtle Art of Rejection

A show of hands please, how many people here have gotten at least one rejection slip?‚ Two? Twenty?

Yeah, I thought so. Me too.

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The Top 10 Ways To Impress an Editor

When Mr. X. asked me to guest blog I was glad to step up. Seriously, the idea of having a huge captive audience for a week was almost irresistible. But what to write? The answer came to me at once…

For the aspiring (web)comics creator there are articles and advice aplenty on how to make comics. And yet, despite all this well-meaning information, I have often felt that something vital was lacking; something that would convey the real emotions inspired by a job thoroughly done. To correct that, I have compiled the following list. It's full-to-bursting with professional experience and the emotions those episodes stirred within my own black heart. It cannot fail, I am sure, to inspire the right-thinking, would-be comics creator on to dazzling new heights of personal achievement.

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New Arcana Jayne Story Starts Today

An all new Arcana Jayne short story begins at today, January 11th. Called “Tango”, this installment focuses on Jayne’s buddy Padraigh, his birthday, personal epiphanies and new beginnings. All that, and it uses the visual of dance as a subtextual metaphor! Whoo! Par-tay!

Arcana Jayne is written and colored by Lisa R. Jonté, with stunning artwork provided by the equally stunning, Lea Hernandez. Updated every Friday, and the current episode is always free! Continue Reading
