Meeting in AA During Intervention Doesn’t Mean What You Think

For many webcomic creators adding a new convention to their annual circuit of appearances isn't a big deal. If the opportunity arises and they are available they can, for the most part, easily add a new stop to meet fans and possibly sell a book or two. For fellow webcomic creator Onezumi of 'Stupid & Insane Defenders Against Chaos' adding a new convention to her schedule took on a whole new meaning. She started her own.

I had the opportunity to speak with Onezumi via e-mail this week and discuss starting Intervention, her new convention being held this September 10-12.

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When a Webcomic Isn’t a Webcomic But Is

There once was a horse named Print vs. Web and it died. Soon people from every corner of the Internet came with sticks. There was much beating of this dead horse. I thought I'd try to edge past the beating grounds with my comments trying not to cause an unexpected restart of the beating or at the very least no to get anything on me. 
There are three webcomic sites everyone should check out. Candorville by Darrin Bell, Foxtrot by Bill Amend and Oh, Brother! by Jay Stephens and Bob Weber Jr. All three look like your regular, family friendly, well written, well-drawn webcomics on well-designed ComicPress sites, right? Kind of, but the common point between these three comics is all of the creators are syndicated or backed by a syndicate; Bell with Washington Post Writer's Group, Amend with Universal Press Syndicate and Stephens and Weber with King Features Syndicate

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