“Exploding Dog” Cartoonist Sam Brown on G4TechTV’s SCREEN SAVERS
According to G4TechTV’s THE SCREEN SAVERS, cartoonist Sam Brown of explodingdog.com will appear as a guest on tonight’s (Wednesday) show. Continue Reading
According to G4TechTV’s THE SCREEN SAVERS, cartoonist Sam Brown of explodingdog.com will appear as a guest on tonight’s (Wednesday) show. Continue Reading
According to Harry Knowles, Berke Breathed will soon bring BLOOM COUNTY back with a new weekly newspaper strip AND a computer-animated movie that Breathed will write and direct for Dimension Films. Both the strip and the movie will star and be titled OPUS. Continue Reading
Scans of an excellent 7-page article on webcomics from HOGAN’S ALLEY (a widely-distributed squarebound magazine focusing on the art of the comic strip) #11, featuring interviews with Keenspot co-founders Darren “Gav” Bleuel and Chris Crosby along with other prominent webcartoonists, can be found in the Keenspot Pressbox. HOGAN’S ALLEY #11 arrived in bookstores and other venues the week of April 16th. Continue Reading
This is probably of much interest to the many webcartoonists (including yours truly) obsessed with GARFIELD as kids. I’m glad the fat orange tabby cat’s finally getting a movie, but the casting makes me feel strange. Continue Reading
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