More Webcomics Join The Keenspot Family

Keenspot seems to be going through a significant growth spurt this year.

Kristofer Straub’s Checkerboard Nightmare, Michael Terracciano’s Dominic Deegan, Frank “Damonk” Cormier’s (Naught-)Framed!!!, and Paul Taylor’s Wapsi Square are the most recent additions in what seems to be a massive wave of new blood at the popular entertainment hub. With these latest recruits, the total of new webcomics to join Keenspot this year has now reached 11.

Checkerboard Nightmare has chosen a novel way of marking the occasion through its most current spoofish storyline. The webcomic’s main character, a charismatically pathological publicity-whore named Chex, has just announced his acceptance into a Famous Webcomic Group — this FWG’s main page will seem awfully familiar to many.

Sources also report that these are not the last new inductees of the year — readers can expect to see one more handful of additions to the Keenspot lineup in the next few months.

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A Little Butch Never Hurt Nobody: David Wright chats with Lee Adam Herold (pt.2)

Lee Adam Herold has been delighting and horrifying webcomic lovers with Chopping Block for the past three years, and what better time than Halloween to sit down and have a chat with him. Recently, David Wright of Todd and Penguin managed to get Herold to spill his guts about such diverse topics as his new book and plush doll, his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, his religious faith, and his love of goth babes.

Somewhere amidst all that they even discussed the comic.

Read part 1 of this interview here.

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Like The Undead, It Keeps Coming Back:

When the Creature-Features site was originally conceived (under the name, it was meant to be a webcomics subscription site of a horror or sci-fi bent about, well, creatures – something like Modern Tales, except with a theme. The site was going to launch over the summer of 2003.

In the months of twists, turns, delays, and personnel changes that the site has been through since its conception, it’s no big shock the site has evolved into something almost – but not quite – completely different. The horror theme is the same, but the philosophies of updating, subscriptions, and content have all seen major revisions.
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Open Soapbox: Witches and Webcomics

There was a comic I used to read in the early 1970s called Werewolf by Night. Next to Batman it was one of my favorites. Werewolf by Night, first issued in 1972 by Marvel Comics, told the tragic story of Jack Russell, whom was plagued by a family curse and doomed to transform into a werewolf with each full moon. One of his later love interests was a beautiful blonde named Topaz. The twenty-something Topaz was psychic, could perform spells and could even tame the werewolf with her mind, but I don’t recall if she was supposed to be a witch in the comic. "Gifted" was the term I remember, however in 2001 the still twenty-something Topaz was teamed with two other "gifted" Marvel girls, (Jennifer Kale and Satana), in a book called Witches. They were more or less the good guys in that comic.

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Christopher Mills’ Supernatural Crime, reviewed by Justin

For some pulp comic creators, the story just comes naturally. For Christopher Mills, they come supernaturally.

When you think about is, a "Pulp Webcomic" is something of any oxymoron – after all, "pulp" in its basic sense refers to the printed page. However, the term has since evolved into a genre that encapsulates an era of storytelling, an era channeled even today. And, like any story told in the Information Age, pulp comics are no longer bound to bookspines. Supernatural Crime serves as a case-in-point. Continue Reading

A Little Butch Never Hurt Nobody: David Wright chats with Lee Adam Herold (pt.1)

Lee Adam Herold has been delighting and horrifying webcomic lovers with Chopping Block for the past three years, and what better time than Halloween to sit down and have a chat with him. Recently, David Wright of Todd and Penguin managed to get Herold to spill his guts about such diverse topics as his new book and plush doll, his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, his religious faith, and his love of goth babes.

Somewhere amidst all that they even discussed the comic.

Read part 2 of this interview here. 

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Stickler and Hat-Trick review Jason Thompson’s The Stiff

Stickler and Hat-trick, in association with the Comixpedia present…

Stickler and Hat-trick at the Keyboard

This week, they review Jason thomson’s THE STIFF

(Tonight’s show is sponsored by Great Googly Moogly contact lenses. You WILL see better. Now available in cat eyes!)

STICKER: Welcome to "Stickler and Hat-Trick At the Keyboard!"
HAT-TRICK: I know you all have been dying for another review from us.
S: Why do you say that?
HT: I see the "most read article" link. I know we are not as popular as we should be.
S: Getting any kind of recognition takes time. Provided we put out quality product every month and-
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: *slithering out from underneath the couch* SHOW US THE REVIEW FIRST.
HT: Eep!
S: Okay…
HT: *sigh* I’m so tired. Continue Reading

Two Big Boys Whip ‘Em Out For an Impromptu Measuring Contest (..comics, that is)

On Tuesday Oct. 2, webcomic kingpin Scott Kurtz let fly a comical jab poking fun at fellow Big Webcomic On The Block, Penny Arcade.

Krahulik and Holkins were quick to respond to the barb with a comic jab of their own today, using the Comixpedia‘s own most recent Webcomic Traffic Rankings article as cannonfodder. As is expected from the PA pair, they also spoke of the matter in their newsboxes.

At this point, the exchange appears to be friendly in nature. Continue Reading
