The Blue (Inter)View: Dan Piraro, Creator of Bizarro

For we who inhabit the cartooning world, 2004 may well be remembered as the year of Dan Piraro.  Piraro is the Reuben-Award winning cartoonist of Bizarro (best panel three years in a row), and in a few short days, he will be attending the Reuben Awards again, this time nominated for "Best Overall Cartoonist". He’s also got a successful book out and has organized a political comedy show tour.

And when Comixtalk asked him for an interview, he was gracious enough to say yes.

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The Blue View by BoxJam B. Boxjam

BoxJam Does Boffo! (Interview-style, That Is)

Joe Martin has produced 30,000 individual strips, by his count, has Mr. Boffo, Cats With Hands, and Willy 'n' Ethel in current production, and produces other strips as well. He does all these without collaborators. He's been able to keep all his strips among the consistently funniest around, and his productivity has landed him in the Guinness Book of World Records.

He's also written other strips, he paints, he writes books, he writes songs, and has written for TV. We didn't ask, but he probably writes ballets and operas as well. Continue Reading

The Blue View by BoxJam B. Boxjam

Hey Everyone and Your Mother!

Hey everyone and your mother – fuck you!

Why can't I offend you?

I wish I could piss people off. I've had kids playing crucifixion, had God say that every religion was wrong – I even said that God hates Danes – and nothin'. I made fun of addiction. I've made every Canadian joke there is – damned Canucks are too easy going, I guess. I just don't seem to be able to set people off.

Smurf Passover! Offended yet? Continue Reading

The Blue View by BoxJam

I've decided what I want to be when I grow up – a successful, but misunderstood comedian whose professional laughs hide a life of personal woe, and who, after a time, confuses his own persona with that of his public one. I think it'll be a fresh way to hit the comedy world, and a totally non-cliche life story to be remembered for.

Can you imagine? Continue Reading

The Blue View by BoxJam

As I write this, Life Assessment Day (also here) is fast approaching. I also don't have a job.

Life Assessment Day, among other things, involves creating/updating a list of ten things one most wants to do before they die. You don't need a yearly day, of course – I encourage you to sit and come up with the ten things you most want to accomplish in this mortal coil. It's exhilarating.

Does 'get a job' go to the top of things I most want in life before I die? Continue Reading