Shortpacked! by David Willis, Reviewed by Andrew Bonia

David Willis’ much beloved It’s Walky! was an epic science-fiction story mixed liberally with teen-angst drama and quirky, character-driven comedy. That story concluded last year (though the series is still showing signs of life) and for his next project Willis chose a more open format, free from the bonds of continuity and logic. The result was Shortpacked! a gag-a-day strip set loosely within the world of It’s Walky but with a whole new direction. Continue Reading

Welcome to Week One of Comixpedia’s August issue!

Welcome to Week One of Comixpedia’s August issue!

This month, we have Kim Smuga-Otto’s review of Red String by Gina Biggs, with some discussion of shojo comics thrown in for you reading pleasure.

We also have Al Schroeder’s interview with Steven Withrow and John Barber on their new book, WEBCOMICS: Tools and techniques for digital cartooning.

And, finally, Erik Melander’s August edition of Through the Looking Back Glass, tackling the misery of editors and the big news items for July.
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Red String by Gina Biggs, Reviewed by Kim Smuga-Otto

Ever see the look on a comic fanboy's face when you show him his very first genuine shojo comic? And by comic fanboy, I don't mean a neanderthal for whom female comic characters conjure up images of a double D, bikini-clad broad striking a pose that wouldn't be out of place in Playboy. I'm talking about the well-read comic geek, who appreciates Alan Moore, Warren Ellis, Neil Gaiman, Los Hernandez Brothers, Ennis and Dillon, perhaps even some Rumiko Takahashi and Otomo Katsuhiro.

He'll start flipping the pages, looking for demons or samurai warriors or ninjas or a giant robot or some sort (any sort) of action scene. And slowly it dawns on him, he's holding in his hands the sequential art equivalent of Dawson's Creek. It's like his "Boys Only" club house has been redecorated with flowers and lace curtains in the windows. Continue Reading

Week Three of our July 2005 issue of Comixpedia

Welcome to week three of our July 2005 issue of Comixpedia!

Our feature this month is a cranky soapbox rant written by yours truly, Kelly J. Cooper.

Our reviewer, RJ Astruc, read through and commented upon Reckless Youth by Claude TC.

Al Schroeder interviewed Sarah Ellerton of Inverloch.

In this month’s Feeding Snarky, Eric Burns contemplated history and hair.

And Ping Teo’s Essence of… took on… well… “freedom” might be the best way to put it.

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Soapbox: Getting the Comics to the People by Kelly J. Cooper

I was in Japan a couple of weeks ago – mainly in a small part of Tokyo. And one of the places we visited is a little shop in Roppongi, just a few feet down one street from the main intersection. (Like any other big city, Tokyo has neighborhoods that are referred to by name – Ginza, Roppongi, Shinjuku, etc.)

My boyfriend had found the place when he visited (briefly) back in April. So, while wandering around Roppongi (which he wanted me to see because it’s apparently a popular tourist haunt – complete with its own Hard Rock Café – and has a memorable sort of atmosphere) we decided to stop in at the place where he’d seen a sign that said Webcomics in English (surrounded by Japanese). The sign also says Comics and Internet in smaller letters. Continue Reading