Pop Goes the Manga: WirePop’s George Panella interviewed by Xaviar Xerexes

George Panella is busy.

Between creating ToykoHigh (on Modern Tales) and other webcomics, Panella somehow managed to launch WirePop, a subscription website dedicated to publishing manga-style webcomics. Panella has actually been quite active in webcomics for some time now with his Razor Studio website, where he offered the RazorNav automation script and started the RazorComics link exchange for webcomics.

We caught up with Panella to talk about WirePop, ToykoHigh and what else he's juggling in 2004.

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The Art of Flame

I have had the (unfortunately not unique) opportunity to learn something of the art of flame from the hands of some of the masters. These experiences have given me a bit of insight into the strategy and tactics of how to skillfully conduct a conflict by using flames.

Persons interested in taking up the art of flaming people may have a career open to them as a politician or lawyer, or in any other profession which requires a supple spine and no morals. Continue Reading

The Readers Interview Explodingdog.com’s Sam Brown

You may remember that Comixpedia called for questions for Sam Brown late last year. Well, Sam recently came through with the answers. The slightly eccentric but wildly popular creative force behind explodingdog.com has been marvelling the Internet droves with his art, and producing his work through a very interesting relationship with his audience – readers submit titles, and he draws pictures to fit them.

In this reader-led interview, he offers creative sequential words to illustrate our own interrogative titles. Read on, and don’t worry – no dogs are harmed in the course of the interview, even if one may explode just a little.

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Juxtapose This: Say What?

I am over two weeks late writing this article. There are a lot of reasons why — for one thing, it’s hard to think of something clever to say about the world of webcomics immediately after writing a six page paper about the Emperor Alexis Comnenus I of Constantinople — other examples include extremely urgent tea drinking, needing to listen intently to the same three tracks of the opera Carmen 14 times through because I can never hit the bloody flat at the end of the aria and I need to know it by Saturday, and wanting to avoid the incessant teasing of my housemates when I use my voice recognition program. Continue Reading

A Cat Chat with Jamar Nicholas

Our own Cat Garza leaps out from the mists after a prolonged absence, and shoots off a fresh new Cat Chat interview with none other than Jamar Nicholas, small print artist and animator who has garnered notice for himself for his The Jamar Chronincles, and who now has a weekly webcomic featred on Kevin Smith’s Movie Poop Shoot site. Cat chats him up here about "the process", the comics industry, and good ole’ dreams… Continue Reading

Why Do Online Comics by Iain Hamp

Not too far from where I grew up, just a bit south of Tombstone (“the town too tough to die” – a great tourism slogan) and east of Sierra Vista (“where vacations last a lifetime” – a more questionable tourism slogan, if you take it from the wrong perspective), there is a little town called Bisbee.

Bisbee, Arizona was created initially because of the massive copper mine there, but as that economy diminished, the town began to lure artists therein to create and sell their wares. More and more artists began to flock there, in search of a community that would support their work not only with a pat on the back but with a greenback or two. People that were struggling to make a penny off of their paintings, jewelry, and other creative endeavors were suddenly able to do what they loved and feed themselves and their loved ones at the end of the day. Continue Reading