Call for Questions for the Mad Scientist of Webcomics: Shaenon Garrity

Shaenon Garrity, the creator of Narbonic, L’il Mel, and More Fun has agreed to take questions from the readers of Comixpedia.

We’ll take questions through Friday, July 16th. The top ten questions will be sent to Garrity for her reply.


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.


  1. Are you, or any of your relatives, actually mad scientists? -kjc

  2. I’ve enjoyed seeing the different artists’ takes on Li’l Mell. Will we be seeing any more guest aritists in the future, or will you continue to self-illustrate (which is also fine by me)? If there will be more guests, can you give us any hints as to who?

  3. Some very closely related questions:

    I’m given to understand you started out by simply telling seven or so of your office co-workers that you had a strip on-line, then you let word of mouth do the rest. This took a long while, and it didn’t matter because you didn’t have any plans at the time for profiting off of your work. Given that there are many more strips now than then, do you think anyone could do the same thing now (start with no intentions of getting a large readership but winding up with one anyway — especially one with members willing to pay to look)?

    You are one of the very few artists — it seems to me — who actually responds to e-mails regularly. How important would you say this is to the growth of your audience?

    Have you ever had e-mails you decided not to respond to, or regretted you had?

  4. How has your “dayjob” work with manga affected your approach to your own comics?

  5. In everyday life do you think of yourself as funny? Narbonic in particular never ceases to crack me up and I wonder if that’s a natural part of your personality or only something that emerges from your writing and making comics?

  6. Are most of your characters inspired by real people? In particular, Is “Dave” from Narbonic based on a real person?

  7. One of your stories hinted at a rather depressing future for Dave and Helen. Are we in for some drama in the next six months, or are you planning to keep things fairly light?

    –Anonymous who May or May Not Be T Campbell. YOU JUST DON’T KNOW!!!

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