Who Knows What Evil Lurks In The Hearts Of Men? Captain Spectre Knows!

Al Schroeder talks with Thomas Floyd, the creator of the retro-pulp fiction action hero Captain Spectre.  Floyd’s webcomic skillfully recreates the feel of pulp novels and the old-time radio serials that gave us great characters like the Shadow, Doc Savage and the Green Hornet.  We talk to Floyd about his own creation, his appreciation for the great pulp characters of the past and his plans in comics.

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It’s Not Easy Being Green: An Interview with The Green Avenger’s Abby L.

Abby L., the creator of The Green Avenger, has created the Peter Parker of super-heroines… fallible, fun, realistic-looking and prone to weight fluctuations.  Her superheroine saga often reworks standard superhero conventions either through flipping the genders (a character named Jack in the webcomic has been referred to as The Green Avenger's "Lois Lane") or simply by taking them in a new direction.

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From the Peculiar Pub to Infinite Typewriters

Jon Rosenberg has been entertaining readers of his webcomic Goats since April 1st, 1997. What DON'T we know about you that you can give out without being arrested and/or lynched?

The government has used reverse-time engineering to eliminate most of the "facts" of my existence from the Bose-Einsteinian timestream. From what I've been able to gather over the last four years of espionage and adventuring, I was once in line to become the emir of Kazakhstan until American oil barons decided it wasn't in their best interests to see me sitting on a vast, untapped field of fourth-quarter profits.

I might also be George Clooney, but I've yet to find any real, hard evidence for that.

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New Installment of The Antecedent

The second installment of The Antecedent is up. I’ve been working on spreading the word about this great effort – if you frequent a political or news site that you think would be interested in reading Bryant Paul Johnson’s work here please click through – in the extended version of this I’ve written out a short and sweet bit you can copy and paste to spread the word. Continue Reading