Christmas Has Begun!

Webcomics in Print is celebrating Christmas like Christmas should, with a massive 12 prize donation drive to gain funds to bring all kinds of awesome (and more books) to its pages.

For each £1 people donate, one name goes into the bucket (alas we have no hat). From the 13th December – 24th December, each day one name gets picked from the bucket and one of the prizes wings its way to the winner abeit after Christmas most likely, but all a surprise as to the contents of what they receive.

Some of the prizes include are:

* Tastefully Done Calendar
* Self-portraits of artists from Lancaster Comic Convention (signed)
* Multiplex hand-drawn image of the entire cast
* The entire 1st year of Zoinks Magazine
* Penny & Aggie's original strip artwork, signed
* A guest-appearance in a Pirate & Alien strip

* A Grumps goodie pack

To enter the competition, there's no questions, no answers, just a donate button, so go and donate and who knows, Santa may bring you something nice

