Webcomics In Paint

Webcomics in Print gets their hands dirty with paint this week! Not only do we give you the top 10 Frank Page's paintings from his Year in Paint. Not only do we review Eddie Bowley's (congratulations on the engagement) Edd Egg and the Healthy Shallows. Not only do we have our normal Monday Book News but we still have the Little Terrors fantastic competition prize still to give away! Too much to cram into one little blog! Continue Reading

Dates The Word Part II

Last year Webcomics in Print did a nude webcomic calendar in aid of Cancer Research UK. 61 webcomic artists gave up their birthdays and were included in the calendar. Now we're doing it all over again and we're asking for more artists!

Send an email to moovok(a)yahoo.com with your name, your webcomic and just the day and month of your birthday (don't need to know your year). If you'd rather not give it, fair enough, we understand, but we're trying to reach getting at least 100 birthdays of webcomic artists in there!

So remember, Dates The Word!

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