Clan of the Cats Ending?

Recently Jamie Robertson of Clan of the Cats lost his job. What else is new in this economy?

His unemployment may lead to the demise of the five year old fantasy comic, Clan of the Cats. Currently a donation drive is underway, however, Robertson has also put forth another idea to help. For $2.50 a month, you can subscribe to Sebo’s Kitty Klub which will garnish you 4 Sebastian oriented B&W strips and one COTC wallpaper a month. Other things may get thrown in with time. Yearly subscriptions are available for $25.00. The humor of SEBO, the weekly SKK strip, is very reminiscent of the early days of COTC only with better art. That means it’s funny and looks good too.

“I don’t want to end COTC.” said Robertson. “I don’t think anyone would want to end their dream, but if something doesn’t change by Christmas I’ll have to.”


Jamie Robertson