Clan of the Cats Ending?

Recently Jamie Robertson of Clan of the Cats lost his job. What else is new in this economy?

His unemployment may lead to the demise of the five year old fantasy comic, Clan of the Cats. Currently a donation drive is underway, however, Robertson has also put forth another idea to help. For $2.50 a month, you can subscribe to Sebo’s Kitty Klub which will garnish you 4 Sebastian oriented B&W strips and one COTC wallpaper a month. Other things may get thrown in with time. Yearly subscriptions are available for $25.00. The humor of SEBO, the weekly SKK strip, is very reminiscent of the early days of COTC only with better art. That means it’s funny and looks good too.

“I don’t want to end COTC.” said Robertson. “I don’t think anyone would want to end their dream, but if something doesn’t change by Christmas I’ll have to.” Continue Reading


Keenspot’s First Premium Comic Concludes

Keenspot’s first Premium Comic, Melepomene: The Chaos Orb concluded this weekend. A spin-off to Clan of the Cats, Mel tells the story of a supernatural assassin on a mission to save her sister. Written by COTC creator Jamie Robertson and illustrated by the talent behind The Wandering Ones, Clint Hollingsworth, Melpomene was the first comic story offered on Keenspot’s Premium subscription service.

Wizards, werewolves, and werecats populate this tale of magic and treachery in an action-oriented story line where the full force of the Chattan curse comes to fruition. A powerful wizard kidnaps Chelsea Chattan, the star of COTC, and only her sister, Melpomene, can save her.

“I want to thank Clint for his talent, loyalty, and sacrifice in bringing this character to life. He took a character I designed and made it his own. For such a gift, I cannot thank him enough,” said COTC creator Jamie Robertson. Continue Reading


Flight of the Stingray: A fusion of graphic mediums makes its debut.

Flight of the Stingray, a new webcomic by Brian Freeman, seeks to combine the old and the new with over one hundred 3D renderings interwoven within traditional illustration. According to Digital Webbing, Flight of the Stingray tells the story of Air Force test pilot Jack Gannon flying a fantastic new craft that can fly through the air like a jet or plunge underwater like a submarine. While searching for a friend in the Russian arctic, Jack discovers a thriving colony of people hidden for over one hundred years. Created by Brian Freeman, an illustrator and wed designer, Flight of the Stingray is a 69 page webcomic offered for free and in its entirety.

Thanks to Digital Webbing
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Cartoon Network Promotes Free Comic Book Day 2003

From the Slush Factory News. Free Comic Book Day gets a big boost from one of cable TV’s biggest. The Cartoon Network will place advertising of FCBD2003 on the Adult Swim website for the month of April.

“Comics and cartoons have long been linked in the public mind. Many of our viewers are lovers of comics, so we’re happy to support this worthwhile promotion,” said Dennis Adamovich, vice president of marketing for Cartoon Network. “So many of our shows originated as comics or have inspired comics themselves that it makes great sense for us to participate in Free Comic Book Day 2003.”

Free Comic Book Day
is May 3rd and will include dead tree editions of comics from Keenspot and Modern Tales artists.
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Alan Moore’s Writing for Comics

According to Small Press Magazine, Avatar will soon offer the long awaited Alan Moore’s Writing for Comics. This book combines writings of Moore’s which were first serialized in a British fanzine back in 1985, just prior to the release of Moore’s stunning Watchmen

“Alan Moore was one of the first comics authors to write extensively and intelligently about the underpinnings of the craft,” says writer Warren Ellis. “I know people who’ve been waiting fifteen years to see this reprinted. It goes right next to Eisner and McCloud on the smart reader’s shelf.”

The book is scheduled for a June 2003 release.

Thanks to the Small Press Magazine for the links
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Aquaman #1 Goes Online!

DC Comics has announced that its hugely popular book, Aquaman #1, will be presented online at

Following its release in December, the first issue of the new AQUAMAN series quickly sold out at DC. Now, readers can catch up on the beginning of the Sea King’s new adventures at, where the entire story from the first issue has been posted as an Adobe Acrobat file.

Thanks to the Slush Factory for the link.
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