NOVEMBER? F'r reals? Wow… Okay a short update today – first off congratulations to Kate Beaton on winning Lulu of the Year and all the other Lulu winners. ABRUPT TRANSITION: speaking of Kate Beaton, she tweeted a pretty obvious TRUE point that apparently led to a reenactment of Crossfire! on twitter. Anyhow I think Ken Dahl's comic sums it up well (h/t Scott McCloud) and has the benefit of being independently awesome anyhow.
REVIEW: Delos interviews Witch Knots.
INTERVIEW: Bryan Lee O'Malley answers questions about his process.
CRAFT: Benjamin Birdie posts another breakdown of a comic page – he's been doing this somewhat regularly for awhile now.
HYPE: Warren Ellis puts out another call for webcomic plugging at his White Chapel message board.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Kris Straub lays to rest the persistent rumors that he is a gigolo juggalo.
Last but not least please vote in my poll on "how do you read your daily batch of webcomics" – click here to vote and see the results so far.
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