The subscription site for action-adventure webcomics is set to launch September 15.
Edited by T Campbell, the site will feature thirty regular strips, including:
Die Bitch Die by Edmund Wong
Digger by Ursula Vernon
Felicity by John Troutman
Flick by Mikael Oskarsson
The Guardians by Graveyard Greg (with T Campbell) and Webtroll
Gun Street Girl by Barb Lien-Cooper and Ryan Howe
Interplanetary Grift by Jim Keplinger
Killroy and Tina by Justin Pierce
The License by Matthew Shepherd and Diego Jourdan
Mnemesis by Sylvan Migdal
Mythos and Magick by Jamie Robertson and Erin Zerbe
NonPersons by Amber "Glych" Greenlee
Ram by Brian Daniel
Rip & Teri by T Campbell and John Waltrip
Skirting Danger by Meredith Gran
She’s a Nightmare by Jesse Chen
Soul Chaser Betty by Brian Babendererde (BMAN)
The Twisting by The Marvelous Patric
Vigil by Juan Navarro Navarro
Vigilante, Ho! by John Troutman and Meaghan Quinn
These strips range from urban fantasy to steampunk to Western comedy to traditional superhero to spy romance to horror to crime drama. "But they all have two things in common," says Campbell. "They all contain ass-kicking action, and they all, themselves, kick ass."
Graphic Smash has not finalized its entire lineup, and is extending its original submissions deadline. "We’re keeping a few slots open for late arrivals," Campbell said, "so if you can get a couple of samples and a synopsis together and to me by September 8, you’ve still got a shot.”
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