Nominees for the Hugo Awards have been announced — the Hugo Awards ceremony will take place August 20, 2011. Members of the World Science Fiction Convention are eligible to vote on the Hugo Awards. You can get memberships right here.
The Nominees for BEST GRAPHIC STORY are:
- The Unwritten, Vol. 2: Inside Man, Mike Carey; art by Peter Gross (Vertigo)
- Girl Genius, Volume 10: Agatha Heterodyne and the Guardian Muse, Phil & Kaja Foglio; art by Phil Foglio (Airship Entertainment)
- Grandville Mon Amour, Bryan Talbot (Dark Horse)
- Schlock Mercenary: Massively Parallel, Howard Tayler (Hypernode)
- Fables: Witches, Bill Willingham; art by Mark Buckingham (Vertigo)
Girl Genius has won this the previous two years – in other words, every year the category has existed. (The Watchmen is the only other graphic novel I think that has won recognition by the Hugo – but that was before the Graphic Story category was established.) Fables and Schlock Mercenary are both receiving their third nomination — will the third time be the charm?
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