Keenspace Comic Still Hasn’t Updated

Keenspace comic “Dark-Elf-Gamers” has now gone for six months without updating, say dismayed fans. The complete lack of updates has raised many questions about the credibility and dedication of Dark-Elf-Gamers creator akirafan12. According to long-time reader zombiesurferomega, “Dark-Elf-Gamers hasn’t updated for months. If this doesn’t change, soon, I may have to stop checking it every day.”

Although the 6-month break from updating has driven many fans away from “Dark-Elf-Gamers,” some still cling to the hope that it will update. According to reader crazeycrazeyawesomegirl, “Oh, I think it will update soon. I’m sure the artist has just been busy lately.”

Currently, only 5 comics exist in “Dark-Elf-Gamers” archives. There are also twelve pieces of fan-art.




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