The silence surrounding Keenspots San Diego ComiCon panel has been deafening and since Comixpedia did not have an operative in place we have been patiently waiting for word on what was announced at the panel. Thankfully Wednesday White took it upon herself to make a public inquiry or we might never have found out. In the comments Aeire outlines what was revealed.
Keenspot will implement an incentive program intended to reward Keenspot comics that update regularly, Keenspace will change name to Comic Genesis and finally there is a TV show in the works.
Update: More announcements made at the panel is now available in the Websnark thread.
Update #2: Chris Crosby posted a list of news from the Keenspot panel at the Keenspot homepage.
In the Websnark comments Matt Milligan also added some more facts:
Other announcements:
Keen advertising budget: $25,000/year.
Co-op advertising (I can ask Keen to match what I spend on advertising).
DJ Coffman brought on board to head up the syndication of Keen strips as he was successful in self-syndicating to 50 newspapers.
Full-time ad salesperson to be hired!
Low ad rates for webcomic artists *cough*lowerthanblanklabel*cough*
Google adsense to be implemented with each archived strip to be transcribed for targeting and searchability.
Premium members to be able to download Keenspot Comics and KeenToons to their PSPs.
Matt also wrote something like wasn’t having the two hour convention panel “publicizing” the big Keenspot announcements? I guess but the way Keenspot does PR I almost think they want to avoid positive buzz and word of mouth. I don’t know why exactly that is. From Comixpedia’s end not for lack of us trying to extract info out of Chris…
Actually, all this data in the OFFICIAL format is on the Keenspot webpage.
Scroll down to “news spot” where there’s the announcements in little print. It was posted by Chris on 7/19/2005 03:44:00 PM.
Kelly J. Cooper
Comixpedia Editor
You know…what’s missing is…how this information was shared.
I heard a rumor that some questions were answered in opera.
Nice to see that Chris posted something – there was nothing on the Keenspot site when Erik posted and I added my comment.
The news stuff was done via PowerPoint. The opera deliveries were fielded by the Keenspot cartoonists when they spoke about their own work. I listened to that mess for about five minutes before leaving with a bunch of other folks.