Over at Goats, Jon Rosenberg explains how important the current storyline “Infinite Typewriters” is to him and the evolution of his webcomic.
NY2123 is one of the first original graphic novels I’ve seen created especially for the PSP. (You can read it on the web but the size of the images is definitely a better fit for the smaller PSP screen.) Two chapters are posted so far. It’s set in a post-disaster New York and sprinkled liberally with a number of standard cyberpunk cliches, but the art is very clean and effective and in chapter 2 when the story focuses on Julius, the pacing of the tale becomes much more effective.
Killboredom.com interviews Nate Piekos.
Random Thought Dept: I’ve been reading Winnie-the-Pooh stories to my kids recently (the original ones) and it strikes me – does anyone else think of Achewood as a twisted version of that?