A new issue of The Webcomics Examiner is out.
The following taken from Joe Zabel’s post on the Talk About Comics forum:
September 30, 2005– In celebration of the tenth anniversary of webcomics as an artform, The Webcomics Examiner is conducting a roundtable on the Artistic History of Webcomics. In part one of a two-part series, T Campbell, Eric Millikin, Shaenon Garrity, William G., Mike Meginnis, Bob Stevenson, Eric Burns, Wednesday White, A. G. Hopkins and Rob Balder join moderator Joe Zabel in exploring the medium’s creative evolution, with profiles of Charley Parker, Pete Abrams, Scott McCloud, and many others, in the latest issue of The Webcomics Examiner.
The Webcomics Examiner is a quarterly forum of reviews, interviews, and critical articles evaluating webcomics as a fine art. The free-access website is at http://webcomicsreview.com.
This issue also headlines a major interview with Dinosaur Comics creator Ryan North. In a conversation with Mike Meginnis, North describes the origins of his unique, graphically-arrested series, and explores issues of art and language with remarkable candor and sophistication.
Also this issue:
* Cartoon Art Museum curator Andrew Farago speculates on the role of museums in preserving webcomics culture in “Curating Webcomics.”
* Tim Godek hears the sound of music in comics, spotlighting Cat Garza, Neal Von Flue, and Kean Soo in “Click to the Beat.”
* Andrew Wade chronicles the creation of a webcomic in “Diary of a Web Artist, by Someone Who Isn’t.”
* Alexander Danner reviews Steven Charles Manale’s series Superslackers.
This issue’s cover is by webcomics legend Cat Garza, creator of the critically-acclaimed Magic Inkwell series. The cover is accompanied by a soundtrack by Squarepegz, featuring Zen Boodamasta and Unknown Souljah.
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