
So I've had some time sucked up by Google + the last couple of weeks and although I'm still not entirely sure how I'm going to use it, I have seen some creative comics ideas tried out on it already.  Ryan Estrada has posted some of his entire comics on his profile and also a "how to" for it.  I'm not entirely sure if these links to Google+ are going to work or not, including this one to my own profile there (it would be nice if Google+ added short urls for your profiles).  Everytime you post something there you have the option to share it with the "public" or a smaller number of people — all the way down to one person if you want. It's also built around a one-way social relationship (so more like Twitter than Facebook) — you add people to your circles which is pretty much "following" someone on twitter.  However it seems like if you follow someone who then also follows you that Google+ recognizes that distinction so maybe ultimately it will be a hybrid between one-way and two-way social connections.

Anyhow – the big positives for Google+ are that it seems like they are taking privacy more seriously (but time will tell), and the UI is slick and easy to use. If you want an invite let me know and I will get to it for you today.  Invites seem to go on and off so try again later if it doesn't work for you right away.

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Comix Talk Is In The House Tonight

Some comics-related stories for your perusal this morning:

INTERVIEW: TalkProgress has a great interview with Danielle Corsetto of Girls With Slingshots.

ALL AGES: Ryan Estrada finished and posted his all ages webcomic Aki Alliance. Estrada's sense of humor works really well on an all ages title and this is a fun read.

CONVENTIONAL THINKING: ComicsDC blog posted that DC-area convention SPX announced that the Pizza Island collective would all be guests at this year's edition:Kate Beaton, Sarah Glidden, Lisa Hanawalt, Domitille Collardey, Julia Wertz and Meredith Gran.

HYPE: I really liked Jason Turner's True Love and True Loves 2He's serializing True Loves 3 online so be sure to check it out (if you're not already reading).

KICKSTART MY ART:  Diana Nock has launched a kickstarter project to fund a print version of her webcomic, The Intrepid Girlbot.  Winner of the Friends of Lulu "Leah Adezio Award for Best Kid-Friendly Work" of 2010, Girlbot is the all ages story of a little-girl-shaped robot trying to find her place in a strange world of robots and woodland creatures.

FROM THE MAILBAG: Johnny Tay, a creator from Singapore, wrote in about his digital comic, Seven Years in Dog-Land, for sale on Graphicly. The black and white graphic novel follows the adventures of a little girl in an alternate world where dogs are the masters, and humans, their pets. Through her trials and adventures, Dog-Land explores humans’ relationship with nature and the human condition itself.

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Comix Talk for July 5, 2011

I survived National Gunpowder Day with only slight burns so… yeah that's probably good!  Here's some interesting stories about web + comics I perused this morning: 

INTERVIEW: Guerilla Geek has an interview with Danielle Corsetto of Girls with Slingshots.

iWEBCOMICS: Warren Ellis on his Freak Angels/Avatar digital strategyDC Comics' digital strategy and Marvel's digital strategy.

TECHNOLOGY: Boing Boing points to a really cool Warren Ellis project called SVK.  It's not web or digital but it plays around with technology and comics.  SVK is a modern detective story, described by Ellis as “Franz Kafka’s Bourne Identity”.  

SVK is a collaboration between writer Warren Ellis (Transmetropolitan, Planetary, Crooked Little Vein, RED), artist Matt "D'Israeli" Brooker (Stickleback, Lazarus Churchyard, 2000AD) and London-based design studio BERG.  An experimental publication, SVK comprises the SVK object and a comic book.  Litho printed on 115gsm silk paper in tones of black and blue, SVK uses a third ink invisible without the SVK object. The object is a UV light source which unlocks hidden layers woven throughout the comic book. Reading SVK becomes a unique and strange experience as you see the story unfold through the eyes of Thomas Woodwind.

DUN DUN DUN DUN! Ryan Estrada posted online the entirety of his all ages Aki Alliance graphic novel (h/t FLEEN).

AWKWARD! Why Dora needs Faye around to provide the last word.

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Pandora: End of Days, Volume 1 by Peter J. Ang and Jin Song Kim

Pandora: End of Days is a digital comic from Real Interface Studio available for download to your computer and also for most mobile e-reader devices, tablets, and smart phones with the's NOOK App or on’s Kindle.  There's a short promotional website for the comic but unfortunately it plays music without asking (you can turn it off by clicking on "off" at the bottom of the page).

It's a zombie manga.  

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Indigo Kelleigh Kickstarter Drive for Ellie Connelly Graphic Novel


Indigo Kelleigh has launched a Kickstarter campaign for 124 page graphic novel version of his Victorian adventure comic Ellie Connelly and the Eye of the VortexEllie Connelly, her friend Henry Button, and her Uncle Everett must race to discover the location of a legendary vortex of mystical energy, before the dark and mysterious Mystic Legion can take control of it for their own malevolent purposes! An adventure in the mold of Indiana Jones and Tintin, the first 32 pages have been published online.

Kelleigh's Kickstarter goal is to raise money to cover his living expenses for an entire year to complete Eye of the Vortex.  He will continue posting the newly completed pages on the website for free (in both English and French), and will also release the ebook issues when they're completed.

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Box Brown Closing in on Funding Goal

Box Brown has a kickstarter campaign going to fund Retrofit Comics launch plans to publish 17 32-page floppy-style comics by 17 of the best comic artists in the business. It's specifically aimed at getting indie comics back into the floppy format and giving artists a chance to do smaller stories and experiment. The list of creators is awesome and includes folks such as Retrofit plans to release books monthly from September 2011 to January 2013. James KochalkaColleen FrakesJoe DecieTom HartLiz BaillieNoah Van SciverJason Turner among others.

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Harvey Nominees Out

The Harvey Award nominees have been released and in the category of BEST ONLINE COMICS WORK, the nominees are:

Final ballots are due to the Harvey Awards by Saturday, August 6, 2011.  Voting is open to anyone professionally involved in a creative capacity within the comics field.  The ceremony and banquet for the 2011 Harvey Awards will be held Saturday night, August 20th at the Baltimore Comic-Con.

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The Death of Elijah Lovejoy by Noah Van Sciver

As long as I am an American citizen and American blood runs in these veins, I shall hold myself at liberty to speak, to write and to publish whatever I please on any subject.

– Elijay Lovejoy

Elijay Lovejoy was a real life abolistionist and newspaper editor who died in Alton, Illinois at the hands of a mob intent on squelching his right to a free press. Lovejoy was in Illinois because a mob had attacked and destroyed three press during his tenure as an editor in St Louis, Missouri.  The Death of Elijay Lovejoy by Noah Van Sciver seemed a good book to tackle for a review on the day we celebrate the American Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights that ultimately flows from the establishment of the United States of America.

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Comix Talk for Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Did I mention I have a fairly active tumblr blog too?  Right now I'm enjoying messing around with that. Follow me and let me know if you have a tumblr blog I should be following.  Did anyone get an invite to Google+? I guess Randall Monroe sums up my sense of Google Wave Buzz Plus pretty well.


Moonlighting Syndrome: Eric has a post up at Websnark about the romantic(?) comedy comic Treading Ground and it's dangerous flirtations with a Romantic Comedy Tension Resolution Point.

COMICS IS NOT CORRELATION: Google commissioned a comic from Manu Cornet to explain it's new Google Correlation tool.

MILESTONES: The Drawn Blog notes Pat Grant has completed his webcomic Blue.

HYPE: Check out lots new good stuff on the web including Emily Carroll’s The Prince & The Sea and Dov Torbin’s The Revolution Will Be Televised.  For more hype check out The Beat's open thread on webcomics to read.

CRAFT:  The Drawn blog points to the Animation Archive's free resources section on their site and Tracy J Butler's (Lackadaisy Cats) tips on character drawing.

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