Plethora of Keenspace Dropdowns

Looking for some new webcomics? Keenspace hosts several “dropdown” groups of webcomics. Some currently active dropdowns include RealSpace, KleenSpace, Keenlosers, KeenHeroines, Nocturnal, SCI-FIspace and KeenBaka. More information about Keenspace dropdowns can be found at Keenspace Gear.

RealSpace features people from real life. It’s hosted on
and you can find information about it and sign-ups here.

Keenheroines features comics with strong female characters. Hosted on and information and sign-ups: here. Accent is on denying stereotypical oversized-attributes heroines cliché.

Nocturnal features webcomics made at night by artists who stay up late. Hosted on, information and sign-ups here.

KeenBaka, for comics with random acts of baka-ness (stupidity), hosted by , information and sign-ups in here.

SCI-FIspace is a new science fiction dropdown after an earlier one became dysfunctional. Hosted on , information and sign-ups on it here.

Some older dropdowns have recently been resurrected; Such as:
Kleenspace, for PG-rated comics with no nudity or swearing. Something not very often on net. Hosted by, information and sign-ups can be found here.

KeenLosers, for comics that no one reads. Hosted on, info and sign-ups: here.

Keen@work, for workplace comics, gives hints of becoming functional again. Hosted on, info and sign-ups here.

Some interesting dropdowns, sadly, seem to be on hold. DailyKeen is for daily comics, Smells Like Keen Spirit is a dropdown for comics about socially unacceptable people, GaySpace, and one for female artists. But admins of these dropdowns seem to have disappeared.



One Comment

  1. Keep in mind gang that the more dropdowns you put on your page the slower your pages will load.

    Personally I think the Keenspace Newsbox is the best free promotional aid available on Keenspace, especially since some of the biggest Keenspace comics are taking part in it. It gives people a better preview of what your comic is about.

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