Rebooting Comixpedia Part 2: Groups and Avatars

Groups are cool. Local groups where you can get together to talk in person are great. Groups online where you can find more targeted shared interests are great. There’s a much easier way to set up, join and use groups on the forthcoming, new Comixpedia site.

A couple of requests: If you have a local group tell me about it so I can set it up for you on the new site. If you have a request for a shared interest group post it here (other ideas for groups are welcome to).

Avatars are also cool (I’d say “rad” but I think 80’s nostalgia is already come and gone). You can use off-site avatars on the new forums but here’s another suggestion – if you want to provide an avatar for anyone on the site to use – post it here and I’ll grab it and load it. You need to have the ability to give me a license to use on the site (i.e., it’s got to be an image you have the copyright for), it should be 100 x 100 or smaller and keep the file size small. I think this could be pretty radcool if the forums and posts are filled with webcomic character avatars.

Also, I’m still going to nag folks for feedback on the forums until I get some.

Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.