- Scott Kurtz, Kris Straub and Paul Southworth will be talking about Wikipedia and webcomics on PVP Live tonight. Click through for time and details.
- A letter from Wikia, we need more administrators and for the love of god, someone help me with the templates!
- Comics Worth Reading reports on the fate of the Friends of Lulu Empowerment Fund. Short answer: no more fund. Here's an excerpt from information provided by FOL President Shannon Crane concerning the problems surrounding the creation of the fund last year:
Ronee Bourgeois suggested to our entire board that we start an empowerment fund. We agreed that yes, it would be a wonderful idea. Unfortunately, instead of being patient to let the ENTIRE board come up with guidelines, rules, etc, she announced the new fund to the comics community without the board’s consent. We found ourselves between a rock and a hard place. We did what we could to make it work, and now we find that this is not something that we will pursue any longer.
- Joey Manley flags a job opportunity at DC Comics for a Web Content Administrator.
- Unshelved reaches its 5th Year anniversary. Created by librarian Gene Ambaum and cartoonist Bill Barnes, the strip started February 16, 2002, and now over 35,000 readers enjoy the strip every day.
- Bernie Hou of Alien Loves Predator hints at big projects to come this year. He also shifts from twice-weekly updates of ALP to the dreaded "whenever I can" schedule.
- It's role-playing gamer meta-humor (getting overplayed recently?) and it just started (so not much to go on) but Cat's Grace may turn out to be a find. It's reasonably entertaining in a cute and unoffensive way (the use of toys in the photo-art helps).
- Hey! Eric's back with a post about J. Grant's second novel (Grant is also a webcomic creator – most recently of Two Lumps). Burns is comparing Grant to George Carlin and generally raving about it -a very positive review.
- Reinder writes about the WCCAs that "[f]or all the criticism the Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards for 2007 have received (admittedly, I could write that opening line about each previous edition of the awards), they do reflect a trend in webcomics towards more technically sophisticated material. In particular, the artistic standards of the nominated comics have been higher than ever this year."
- Deppey on men's magazine FHM versus comic book magazine Wizard: "I’d love to crack a joke about the culture of the two magaziness being similar, but frankly, FHM gives the distinct impression of having a readership that likes to get laid every once in a while, making the comparison somewhat dubious."
- Digital Strips latest podcast sounds good: a review of Gunnerkrigg Court by Tom Siddell and news about the upcoming New York Comic Con and the recent WCCA Online Ceremony.
- Johanna Draper Carlson (CWR) comments on this year's Glyph Award nominees.
- It's not on my radar screen but this parody of Marvel's Civil War cross-over series is funny.
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