Thank God It’s Blind Date II

We've got two more excellent Blind Date II comics for Friday!

We're heading into the home stretch Blind Date II participants! Email me those finished comics by the end of this Sunday, February 25th! The list of creators still yet to report on their "blind date" after the jump (nudge nudge, know what I mean?):

  1. Tyler Martin (Wally & Osborne) and Chris Colton (The Wrong Plot)
  2. Bev (Chooken) and Phantos (Half Masked)
  3. Alina Pete (Weregeek) and Ben Bittner (Cooking With Anne)
  4. Wiz Rollins (Yirmumah) and Liam Gordes (A Day In The Life)
  5. Ben Christensen (I Am Geek) and Steve Napierski (Dueling Analogs)
  6. Dave Rigley (24 and a Half Water St.) and Katie Sweet (Juathuur)
  7. John Troutman (Flint Again) and Mark S (Normal School Kids)
  8. Brad Hawkins (Monkey Law) and Kris Straub (Halfpixel)
  9. Phil Kahn (I'm Just Drinking) and Dan Turcotte (Loser Bros.)
  10. Eddie Bowley (Edd Egg) and Reva SharpSynchronicity) (
  11. Lewis Powell (Terror Island) and Gabriel Moonshadow (Red Zone)
  12. Barb Fisher (Fragile Gravity) and Leonard Cachola (Innies and Outies)
  13. Alvaro Lopez Moreno (Bad Hair Day) and Donny Fox (Antiseptic Poetry)
  14. T Campbell (Penny & Aggie), and Charlie Beck (Transparent Life)
  15. Nicholaus Ivan Ladendorf (NILgravity) and Eric Millikin
  16. Litazia and Speaker
  17. AmericanGothic and James.

Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.

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