We Look at Them Enough… So Why Can’t We Draw Them?

Breasts. They are everywhere. Floating, bobbing, jiggling, drooping, pointing, teasing, taunting, terrifying…



They are everywhere. Floating, bobbing, jiggling, drooping, pointing, teasing, taunting, terrifying…



Breasts have been known to induce confusion in some, inspire discomfort in others, and cause the rest to flee in fear or disgust. Who gets panicked by these, you may ask? Women, mostly. Some men, to boot. But why would a set of human glands be something frightening? How could they, designed for feeding children, and a leading cause for horny (mostly-)male eyestrain, be seen as something scary?

Easy – when they are drawn badly.

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Movie Punks by Carrington Vanston, reviewed by Damonk

Ah, the age old punk dilemma:

How does one offer witty comments and critiques on movies one’s seen, without looking like one’s joined the local Camp Conformity of cartoonists who already offer up movie-related spoofing or satire? Easy – by offering up stereotypical responses that involve violence or uninspired insults, and that have nothing to do with the movie at all, beyond maybe its name.

Wait. That’s not punk at all, is it?

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Diary of a Journal Comic Creator Wannabe by Damonk

Feb.15/03: The Comixpedia editors get together for an impromptu chat to discuss plans for future issues. Since I had assigned mostly journal comics to my reviewers for the month of April, I suggest that we make Journal Comics the main theme of the issue. The other editors seem to like this idea, and in a fit of zeal, I foolishly offer to write up a feature on the subject. The editors warm up to the pitch, and I find myself committed to the feature – d’oh!

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The Complete Interview Transcripts from the Journal Comics Explored Feature Article

Here are the complete question-and-answer transcripts that were originally amassed for part 2 of the April 2003 Journal Comics Explored feature. As with any feature, all of the answers can never be used in the final copy, and some questions are always dropped for purposes of focus and clarity.

Comixpedia has chosen to include the entire set of interviews here – verbatim (typos and all) – so that those curious to know as much as they can about the thoughts lurking inside their favorite journal comic artists' heads can do so without having to resort to guerilla brain surgery. Continue Reading

Life, or a Reasonably Hand-Drawn Facsimile: Journal Comics Explored (Part 2)

Les McClaine proudly proclaims himself an incurable egotist. James Kochalka says he’s trying to delve into the mysteries of being human. Drew Weing draws them because he couldn’t keep track of his life otherwise – he has a pretty horrible memory. Whether you accept these answers, or ask any of the growing host of other journal comic artists out there why they draw their journal comics, you’ll find that, just like so many other things in life, or life itself, there is no easy cookie-cutter answer. Continue Reading