Steve Conley One of Eisner Judges This Year

Webcomics slowly make more inroads into comic award programs each year. This year the Eisners has appointed Steve Conley to the judges panel. Conley, the creator of Astounding Space Thrills, and the owner of the website, has a foot firmly planted in online comics.

They’ve also appointed a comic store owner, a librarian, a writer from Variety and a writer from Entertainment Weekly.

So good news, bad news kind of thing…. Continue Reading

WCCA 2005 Looking for New Participants

Mark Mekkes writes that WCCA 2005 is gearing up. If you are interested in volunteering to help put on the longest running webcomics award program, they need you.

Not only are we looking for active, vocal committee members, there are also several key positions available. These are a great place to truly help make a difference in this year’s awards. Check our website for a list of available positions. Then email me at zortic AT yahoo DOT com if you’re interested in either a specific position, or if you just want to be part of the general planning and decision-making process. Continue Reading

The Webcomic List Awards – The Results

The Webcomic List, an site that shows when webcomics have updated, started an award this year with voting open to the public at large. Award nominees were limited to webcomics listed on The Webcomic List. The votes have been counted and the winners announced.

Ctrl-Alt-Del took the award for Best Overall Comic.

A number of the awards went to gaming comics such as Penny Arcade, Little Gamers and Ctrl-Alt-Del. Continue Reading