According to a note on Suzie View, a comic strip created by Tauhid Bondia and Eric McCurdy and picked up by in September 2004, has been discontinued.
Suzie View” has been discontinued and the last strip will be on March 8, 2005. The strip will be removed from shortly thereafter.
The website of Bondia’s webcomic Spells and Whistles appears to be offline, but a poster to Forumopolis dug up the google cache of the site where Bondia explains the situation.
They told us that the goal was newspaper syndication. That was what they were pulling for. They told us that there would be feedback and development, that acheiveing our goal was the focus of all of thier and our efforts. Erik and I lived up to our end of the bargain. United did not. Perhaps they beileve that simply the honor of being posted on their website would be enough to pacify us but they were wrong. You see Erik and I have been published on websites before. We are not moved by this. We wanted newspapers.
Bondia also intends to take a break from posting comics.
I think i will be taking a vacation from comics. I will continue to read them of course and even draw them in my spare time but i won’t be posting anything on the net for a while. and i sure won’t shopping any syndicates in the near future. Erik and i will of course be in touch and i wish him all the luck he deserves (and man he deserves a lot).
Comixpedia conducted an interview with Bondia in January, 2005.
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