PC Weenies has annouced Club PCW. For a membership fee of $12 a year, members will have access to bonus material and discounts. The idea of creating premium clubs seems to be more and more common among webcomics.
HER! [Girl vs Pig] is back from a month hiatus with a new look and new website. Chris Bishop has also made an invitation for guest strips to help celebrate his birthday on September 8.
Midnite Comics has let us know that they have launched a new “Midnite Mini” comic entitled Dead Man’s Chest. And it has pirates in it, Arrrr.
Update: Garrr, T “Cutthroat” Campbell points out that I must’ve looked too deep in me cup o’ grog as Dead Man’s Chest won’t actually be available until the end of the month.
Gamecloud has an interview with Mike Fehlauer, full time employee of the Penny Arcade corporation, about the upcoming Penny Arcade Expo (PAX).
And to wrap things up, Squid and Ink appears to be an upcoming new comic magazine featuring primarily webcomic creators.
Arr, Dead Men’s Chest won’t be online till the end of this month, ye scalawag. WALK THE PLANK!