Welcome to Week Three of Comixpedia’s November 2005 Issue!

This month, Comixpedia looked at MYSTERY WEBCOMICS!

Our final feature for November, Faith in Science: Detective Stories In A Confused World by T Campbell, is a close examination of the rules of mystery comics and a challenge to webcomics creators.

“Nemesis in Noir” is Al Schroeder’s interview with Greg Holkan of [nemesis] and Gossamer Commons.

We have TWO reviews this week:

One is a REview of Femme Noir by John Lynch. (Comixpedia first reviewed Christopher Mill’s webcomic Femme Noir in October 2003.)

The other is Xaviar Xerexes’ review of Will Eisner’s John Law by Gary Chaloner.

And last, but never least, is Ping Teo’s gentle poke at The Essence of… Whodunnit.
