We’re Back! (Somebody Knock on Wood Okay?)

The bottom line from our hosting company's clusterf**k: We lost most of January and February to date basically. We've got February articles back o­nline, January will follow soon. Comments, forum posts, membership sign ups – if you did it in January or February there is some chance it is gone into the digital great beyond. What else? I will have the Comixpedia weekly webcomic jam back up tonight or tommorrow – let's just start over with a Thursday deadline of this week, shall we? Blind Date? Full steam ahead! Staff blog? Not sure – soon thereafter I guess. And if there's anything else missing kindly remind me will ya? email me at xerexes at burntdogradio dot com.Forums will be back up very soon.  Posts made late this Sunday night may not survive my MySQL-ing tonight.

DNS changes are filtering through the Internet so for the next 48 hours you may or may not get to the right server. If you see the January cover: wrong server. If you see Scott McCloud’s cover for February you’re in the right place. Try Comixpedia.net or Comixpedia.org until further notice.


Xaviar Xerexes

Wandering webcomic ronin. Created Comixpedia (2002-2005) and ComixTalk (2006-2012; 2016-?). Made a lot of unfinished comics and novels.